We are inspired by the belief that Education is the best component to break the cycle of poverty in any society. No doubts, the success of delivering elementary education hinges on a child being equipped with basic tools for learning.
Based on the convention on the rights of a child every child should have equal rights to good and quality education. irrespective of tribe, color, race and economic status.
Sadly, it is quite disheartening to sight children - especially the girl child relegated to the home front as the weaker sex; children hawking on the streets during school hours and children going to school without basic learning materials such as books, school shoes, torn uniforms and school fees.
We are passionate about sponsoring children back to school and providing essential educational relief materials for - especially the girl child, disadvantaged children from less privileged backgrounds and internally displaced children due to natural disasters and insurgencies. Through education, we aim to give children hope in their future just like we have hope in ours thereby erasing the feeling of “thrown away kids”